Rachel as Dove
There is a devotional song to Durga. I always think of Rachel Corrie when I hear it. Rachel was run over by a tank bulldozing down a Palestinian home. Perhaps she was the first of the incarnations of the returning Sphinx.
Soon after 9-11 Rush Limbaugh had birds released so that he could shoot them and call it hunting. Do you remember the Columbus, Ohio snipers around that same time? Columbus means “Dove.” Do you remember Columbine? Usurpers.
The Dendera Stone
In the old sphinx culture the 48 constellations and a few other things, like the major or minor axis of the Milky Way, were used as “memory jogs” in story telling. Remember the last supper? It was in the house of the water bearer (Aquarius). Osiris returns as Horus in Aquarius. Jesus returns and Judas has 30 pieces of silver. Who has the silver today?
Below is a link to the devotional song to Durga: Meditate while listening to it. Imagine Durga forced to become Kali.
Mahishasura Mardhini - Sing Along